Thursday, September 30, 2010

When It Rains... It Pours

When it rains, it pours.  This is true literally and figuratively right now for Yours Truly.  After a terrible drought over the summer, the skies have opened up and a week-long monsoon has begun.  And doesn't it always seem in life that when you're busy you're VERY VERY busy, and when you're not busy you're VERY VERY not busy?  That's the way it is for me anyway.

I'm still pretty new at this whole "living on planet earth and being human" thing.  I'm constantly trying to identify patterns in the rhythm and the flow of life that might help me navigate through it.  Unfortunately, I'm working on a very complex set of variables with a very limited evaluative tool - my brain.

How much of life is just a projection or a loosely strung together set of assumptions about cause and effect?  This is a matter for scientists, psychologists, theologians, mathematicians and sophomoric lyricists, and I don't feel I have the internal resources to fully commit to an objective test evaluating my "truths" about reality.  So, like most of us, I basically have to just muddle through it and occasionally catch snatches of order in the chaos and HOPE that they are "true".  Being fairly clueless in that regard can lead me into the gnarled, dusty road of common superstition and other unscientific methods I use to try to game the system.  But if I look at it objectively - the fact is that there are too many variables that are totally out of my realm of control in order for anything I do to make much of a difference.  This is especially true when it comes to selling my wares on Etsy.

Therefore, I will stick to a truism that SEEMS to be true for me today.

When it rains, it pours!


  1. Luv it. LOL I know exactly what you mean when you say "And doesn't it always seem in life that when you're busy you're VERY VERY busy, and when you're not busy you're VERY VERY not busy?" That's how it goes with me :)

  2. it's like that for me too..or maybe we feel like it because sometimes we want what we don't when we're busy, we feel we are so busy because we want to be unbusy so bad...and vice versa. hehehe.

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
